Cheryl Tefft
Cheryl Tefft has been a professional calligrapher (specializing in weddings and highly decorated custom certificates) for over 30 years, and she teaches around 200 calligraphy-related classes per year. Her signature course offering is a four-course sequence which takes complete beginners from terrified to terrific!
Cheryl's beginner sequence for novices includes the following courses:
Beginning Calligraphy 1 (Uncial)
Beginning Calligraphy 2 (Italic)
Mastering Dip Pens
Beginning Copperplate
By the time students complete this sequence, they have learned three different classic calligraphy styles, how to approach their practice to be most effective, how to use a wide variety of tools and inks and materials, how to create finished projects and addressed envelopes, how to create several kinds of decorated letters, what materials will be the most useful, and a wealth of other skills. They then have the necessary experience to take almost any other calligraphy-related class which interests them.
Additional classes Cheryl teaches include:
Introduction to Calligraphy & Illumination
Introduction to Decorated Letters
Artistic Envelopes
Blackletter Basics (Gothic)
Celtic Knots Unraveled
Continuing Copperplate
Decorated Letter 1
Decorated Letter 2
Decorated Letter 3
Fabulous Fraktur
Fantastic Filigree
Flourishing for the Broad-edge Pen
Flourishing for the Pointed Pen
Independent Studies
Ink Alchemy
Italic Redux
Layout & Design for Calligraphy
Masterclass: The Decorated Document
Modern Calligraphy
Not Your Trajan Romans
Pencil Possibilities
Pointed Pen Uncial
Writing in the Round
Several of these classes require little or no previous experience.
Cheryl also offers private tutoring to individuals and small groups.
Most of Cheryl's classes are posted on Eventbrite:
Her full course schedule is available in summary form on two spreadsheets (page 1 for the beginner sequence, and page 2 for all of the other classes) right here:
She may be reached through email or phone as follows:
636-441-7225 (US number)
Her work may be seen in the following places, as well as in various issues of Martha Stewart Weddings magazine:
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