
Paul Antonio wants your help!

Paul Antonio wants your help!

Paul Antonio is putting out a call to Copperplate calligraphers of all skill levels. Any inquiries and questions should be sent to  Below is all the information straight from Paul. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Calligraphers, Paul Antonio here, AKA PAScribe. I need your help with something! As you may be aware, I am working on producing the 2nd edition of my ‘Copper …
May 22nd 2024 John Neal Books
Suzanne Cunningham's Favorite Nibs

Suzanne Cunningham's Favorite Nibs

WHAT ARE MY FAVORITE NIBS?This is such a loaded question, and it is the one I get asked the most!Which nib you choose depends on several variables: paper, ink, x-height, skill level, etc. I use different nibs for different reasons and they’re all the best nib for that particular scenario. It is also a very personal decision. What works great for one person may not work for another.Here is a rundown of a few that I use most often. Of course, there are LOTS more wonderful nibs besides the …
Mar 3rd 2023 JNB by Suzanne Cunningham